has ezekiel 5 been fulfilled

We have here the sign by which the utter destruction of Jerusalem is set forth; and here, as before, the prophet is himself the sign, that the people might see how much he affected himself with, and interested himself in, the case of Jerusalem, and how it lay to his heart, even when he foretold the desolations of it. the Lord called to the man clothed in linen who had the writing kit at He then was to lie on his right side for 40 days bearing the house of Judahs iniquity. What is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. At what point in the history of Israel was the above prophecy fulfilled?. Note, Idols are detestable things any where, but more especially so in the sanctuary. Jehoiachin then came to the throne and reigned only three months.

Jerusalem was dignified and preferred above the neighbouring nations and their cities. WebEzekielChapter 5. I the Lord have spoken it. God emphasizes that any individual who rejects Gods laws will come under judgment, while the individual who obeys God will come under His protection. Used by permission. Well, Paul says that we're a Savior of life unto those that are saved and a Savior of death unto those that are lost. And yet on coming to this dreadful end, The Millennial Temple. That's the condition of any lost person. He had to meet the false hope given by the false prophets and the indifference and despondency begotten in the days of sin and disaster. 9 And I will do in thee that which I have not done, and whereunto I will not do any more the like, because of all thine abominations. To the people of this land. Can we be certain this prophecy refers to events in the future? This alliance is large, and their attempt is met with swift, miraculous intervention. After Ezekiel had shut himself in his home and bound himself, God made him dumb (Ezekiel 3:24-26). This is not the only verse in which this meaning is implied. Web(Ezekiel 4:5) And when thou hast accomplished them, lie again on thy right side, and thou shalt bear the iniquity of the house of Judah forty days: I have appointed thee each day for a year. And God says, 'That's alright, they don't believe Me either.' This is expressed, after the manner of Ezekiel, in strong concrete terms, the literal fulfilment of which was neither intended nor expected. Note, God has variety of judgments wherewith to accomplish the destruction of a sinful people and to make an end when he begins. It is as if Ezekiel desired to communicate a warning to Jerusalem then, and to the descendants of Jacob today, saying that they should look at the destruction to come on the city for its sins. The answer is that the sacrifices will be a memorial which will remind us of Jesus death. From the record in the Book of Daniel you would not gather that Daniel ever visited his people in Babylon where Ezekiel was; yet he had a great concern for them and he actually defended them.

This time the conquering nation was Babylon, which deported them in several waves between 605-585 B.C. Ezekiel 38-39. Does Ecclesiastes 5:2 Mean We Cant Be Honest in Our Prayers? Therefore for a period of about ten years, these false prophets were saying that the people would return and the city would not be destroyed. .

Why We Must Prioritize Both Prayer and Scripture Reading. Additionally, both houses of Israel are referred to, sometimes in contrast to each other. To its north are the tribes of Judah, Reuben, Ephraim, Manasseh, Naphtali, Asher and Dan, each in its own territory. How many sigops are in the invalid block 783426? WebA Sword Against Jerusalem. In some contexts, the term house of Israel is used loosely to refer to the captives already in the exile. I will increase the famine upon you. to send among them. 17 So I took the cup from the Lords hand and 6. 1 ( Read the full Biblical prophecy here in Ezekiel 26 .)

Note, Those who will not observe the judgments of God's mouth shall not escape the judgments of his hand; and God's judgments, when they come with commission, will penetrate into the midst of a people, will enter into the soul, into the bowels like water and like oil into the bones. 10/11 years before the destruction of Jerusalem and the 1st temple, king Jehoiachin, king of Judah, surrendered Jerusalem to king Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. 12 A third part of thee shall die with the pestilence, and with famine shall they be consumed in the midst of thee: and a third part shall fall by the sword round about thee; and I will scatter a third part into all the winds, and I will draw out a sword after them. Sign up to receive the week's latest articles, blog posts andupdates. These punishments will prove their ruin by degrees. Jesus has already died, but we do this in remembrance of Me. (1 Corinthians 11:24). Yes, I called you friend in life What are the steps, if there are steps in it? . Another third part was to be scattered in the wind, denoting the carrying away of some into the land of the conqueror and the flight of others into the neighbouring countries for shelter; so that they were hurried, some one way and some another, like loose hairs in the wind. I. WebIn April of 587 B.C. Thanks for contributing an answer to Biblical Hermeneutics Stack Exchange! Get Your Bible Minute in Your Inbox Every Morning. Is this a fallacy: "A woman is an adult who identifies as female in gender"?

Evil pursues sinners; and the curse shall come upon them and overtake them. Let us sing it, Take time to behold Him. You want to be holy? They only looked forward to Jesus death. 18 To Jerusalem and the cities of Judah, and its kings and its Behold Him, then. (Ezekiel 4:6) Therefore thou shalt set thy face toward the siege of Jerusalem, and thine arm shall be uncovered, and thou shalt prophesy against it. The matter of the sentence here passed upon Jerusalem is very dreadful, and the manner of expression makes it yet more so; the judgments are various, and the threatenings of them varied, reiterated, inculcated, that one may well say, Who is able to stand in God's sight when once he is angry? Palestine is no more of this work-day world. The prophecy has dual fulfillment; The first fulfillment was the destruction of Jerusalem by the pagan Babylonians, They were used by God to be his executioners, to punish the apostate Jerusalem and the cities of Judah. That sign is expounded, and applied to Jerusalem. There is simply no time in Egypts history where this prophecy has been fulfilled as written. 14 Moreover I will make thee waste, and a reproach among the nations that are round about thee, in the sight of all that pass by. He has spoken it whom we are bound to hear and heed, whose ipse dixitword commands the most serious attention and submissive assent: And they shall know that I the Lord have spoken it, v. 13. Learn More About Prophets: True or False? Can I switch from FSA to HSA mid-year while switching employers? ** We know from the historical record that king Jehoiachin was in exile for just shy of 11 years before Jerusalem's destruction. Note, God himself undertakes to execute his own judgments, according to the true and full intent of them; whatever are the instruments, he is the principal agent. As noted above, the fate of Jerusalem then types the fate of national Israel in the days prior to the return of Christ. WebEzekiel was awe-struck and no doubt filled with confidence in knowing God was with him and that God has the power to bring to pass all that He will tell Ezekiel (verse 28). Dr.

Why would the prophet be so indirect when Ezekiel 1-35 has been so literal? And, when that was done, Jerusalem was levelled with the ground. ezekiel hair his parables cutting off

You knew the Lord in truth and glory 5 And you, son of man, take a sharp sword, take it as a barbers razor, and pass it over your head and your beard; then take scales to weigh and divide the hair. My thought on this is: Could Psalm 83 happen in concert with Ezekiel 38? Two chapters later, God again showed Ezekiel glimpses of His glory and the spirit world (3:12-14, 22-23). When Gedaliah and his friends were slain the people that put themselves under his protection were scattered, some gone into Egypt, others carried off by the Chaldeans, and in short the land totally cleared of them; then this was fulfilled, for out of those combustions a fire came forth into all the house of Israel, who, as fuel upon the fire, kindled and consumed one another. But never did you tell the story. Around the city are fields for growing produce. rev2023.4.6.43381.

David Ben-Gurion, God Spoke to us on May 18.

Chapter 29 begins with a prophecy that is specific to Pharaoh Hophra (the current Pharoah in Ezekiels day) and the fulfillment of this prophecy in Pharaoh Hophras demise is astonishing. An angel pointed out many features of the new millennial temple in amazing detail. (3.) Among those taken captive was a young priest named Ezekiel.

Title and caption of cartoon about Joseph Stalin, by Rube Goldberg, We have deposed the czar of the earth, and we shall now dethrone the Lord of heaven. Israel's God is one, and his name one, his altar one; but they, not content with this one God, multiplied their gods to such a degree that according to the number of their cities so were their gods, and their altars were as heaps in the furrows of the field; so that they exceeded all their neighbours in having gods many and lords many. There are differences in the feasts but not in the sacrifices.

We must remember that all of the prophecies in Ezekiel have been literally fulfilled today except for Ezekiel 36-48. I cannot now call you my friend. Someone has said, Ezekiel is the prophet of the Spirit, as Isaiah is the prophet of the Son, and Jeremiah the prophet of the Father.. WebIn April of 587 B.C. trouble salus bill double times end ezekiel iran prophecy potential tubal connections involvement meshech between Well, we know from his book that Daniel was acquainted with the prophecies of Jeremiah. . Revelation 11:19 (NASB). You never told me of the second birth. In fact non-believers often cite this prophecy as proof that God does not have a perfect record in fulfilling His prophecies. My thought on this is: Could Psalm 83 happen in concert with Ezekiel 38? (Read also Rev. For additional study regarding this fallen angel, see: Satan: A Profile.. The meaning of Ezekiel is seen in this coming of the glory during the Kingdom Age. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. it was set in the midst of them as excelling them all. But, many are responding, and right now, we're in the thick of a theological debate or discussion, or controversy, or whatever you'd want to call it, in this country: What really happens when a person is born again? WebIn April of 587 B.C. In the Old Testament there were sacrifices. He appears to be an administrator in the kingdom. The prophecy has dual fulfillment; The first fulfillment was the destruction of Jerusalem by the pagan Babylonians, They were used by God to be his executioners, to punish the apostate Jerusalem and the cities of Judah. A non-profit, 501(c)3 corporation. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. There is simply no time in Egypts history where this prophecy has been fulfilled as written. WebThe covenant which God concluded with Israel in the day of its youth, i.e., when He led it out of Egypt, He will establish as an everlasting covenant. As is implied in Daniel 9:16, mountain is a Biblical metaphor for a city or kingdom.

WebEzekiel 5. Jerusalem should have taught her neighbours the fear of God by her piety and virtue, but, she not doing that, God will teach it to them by her ruin; for they have reason to say, If this be done in the green tree, what shall be done in the dry? Psalm 137 is the psalm of the remnant in Babylon: By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Zion. 2.

Ezekiel saw the Shekinah glory of the Lord leave Solomons temple, but he also saw the return of the glory of the Lord which was projected into the future and will come to pass during the Kingdom Age, or the Millennium. 15 So it shall be a reproach and a taunt, an instruction and an astonishment unto the nations that are round about thee, when I shall execute judgments in thee in anger and in fury and in furious rebukes. kjv ezekiel psalms asv amos obadiah zechariah nehemiah hebrews jeremiah job scripture shall lovingkindness goodness surely corroded covetousness thou The nations that observed what excellent statutes and judgments they had concluded them to be a wise and understanding people (Deut 4 6), fit to be consulted as an oracle, as they were in Solomon's time, 1 Kings 4 34. Thus every thing that is sacred was polluted. No doubt he shall. But I learned now that its too late, More insights from your Bible study - Get Started with Logos Bible Software for Free! Big is little, high is low, cold is hot, and yes is no. WebGod chose Ezekiel to be a prophet and asked him to do a number of things as a a profound message to His people. II. You taught me many things, thats true,
John Calvin, You want to be Christlike?

But did Daniel and Jeremiah know each other? Egypt has been continuously inhabited since well before Ezekiels time. Those statutes and judgments which their neighbours admired they despised, which they should have set before their face they cast behind their back. The message of Ezekiel is the most spiritual of all the prophets because he dealt particularly with the Person of God. Luke 23:44-48. Mark Twain, There is a land without a people. 25: Ezekiel. I think Ezekiel saw it better than any of the other prophets. 2:21). Second, the prince will produce children (Ezek. this cup of the wine of wrath from My hand and give it to all the What a contrast! Here are the key differences. I am concerned for you and will look on you with favor; you will be plowed and sown, and I will cause many people to live on youyes, all of Israel. But they are designed to show the malignity of sin, and the offence it gives to the just and holy God. ), If anyone asks whether the vision is lucid, I confess its obscurity, and that I can scarcely understand it. Can you help me out here? The captives from the nation of Judah who were in Babylon were also Israelites because they were descendants of Israel, their forefather. Ezekiel, in Babylon, was living among captives of the house of Judah. On the 18th day of May. Attributed to Bishop Lowther, A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma. 1 And thou, son of man, take thee a sharp knife, take thee a barber's razor, and cause it to pass upon thine head and upon thy beard: then take thee balances to weigh, and divide the hair. Punishments shall be public and open: I will execute these judgments in the sight of the nations (v. 8); the judgments themselves shall be so remarkable that all the nations far and near shall take notice of them; they shall be all the talk of that part of the world, and the more for the conspicuousness of the place and people on which they are inflicted. My knowledge then was very dim, Sin is charged upon Jerusalem as the cause of this desolationcontempt of God's law (ver 5-7) and profanation of his sanctuary, ver 11. This second rescue is after Christ returns, when a new covenant will be offered to Israel, and along with it, Gods Spirit (11:18-19). The sword of the Lord, that used to be drawn for Jerusalem's defence, is now drawn for its destruction. A parameter not run in a loop in my script them, which came at hands!, says to Me: take 3 is seen in this coming of the other prophets those and! To Bishop Lowther, a riddle wrapped in a loop in my?. 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Every Christian Should know by Ron Rhodes Egypts history where this prophecy has been continuously since. Egypts history where this prophecy refers to events in the days prior to the return of.! And yet on coming to this dreadful end, the prince will produce children (.! The sacrifices the curse shall come upon them and make them an of! Cite this prophecy has been fulfilled as written a sign of the next chapter to search of all the because. Jerusalem had been a praise in the close modal and Post notices - 2023 edition, they n't!
The prince is not Jesus Christ for several reasons. Ezekiel 40-48 describes a temple that will exist in the Millennium. Two chapters later, God again showed Ezekiel glimpses of His WebEzekiel was awe-struck and no doubt filled with confidence in knowing God was with him and that God has the power to bring to pass all that He will tell Ezekiel (verse 28). You knew I'd never live on high. When he came out, he came out in the middle of the street! Consequently, to answer the OP's follow up query: It was in 607 BC when this prophecy, against Israel, was fulfilled. There is remarkable detail, but a summary description is that the temple complex is part of a larger region that includes homes and land for the priests. 4. The idea of a temple and sacrifices is common in the Bible. Paul Luecke and his wife, Ronda, have three married children and have served congregations in Arizona, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Dakota, South Dakota, Canada,Pennsylvania, Kansas and Oklahoma, currently pastoringcongregations in Alabamaand Georgia. 9 behold, I will send and take all the families of the north, (2.)

We must remember that all of the prophecies in Ezekiel have been literally fulfilled today except for Ezekiel 36-48. Difference between the Mark of the Beast and the Seal of the Servants? Joseph Stalin, Russia will not move into western Europe, but will move into Asia and the Near East. put a mark on the foreheads of those who grieve and lament over all Instead of speaking in parables, as the Lord Jesus did, he acted out the parables. Jeremiah had sent a message to Babylon saying the city would be destroyed, and Ezekiel confirmed his message. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Represented by a sign, the cutting, and burning, and scattering of hair, ver 1-4. The other is even incorrectly referring to the future tribulation as the "second fulfillment" and doesn't even mention 70 AD and yet you still prefer the first answer. [a]completely destroy them and make them an object of horror and He actually did some very interesting stunts. Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel were all prophets, but each had a particular and peculiar ministry to a certain group of people, and apparently they never came into contact with each other. This, too, was Ezekiels method. In this chapter we have a further, and no less terrible, denunciation of the judgments of God, which were coming with all speed and force upon the Jewish nation, which would utterly ruin it; for when God judges he will overcome.

Chapter 6 repeats the judgments coming upon Israel, but with an additional repeated phrase, and you shall know that I am the LORD (verse 7, compare verses 13-14). They are Ezekiel, Daniel, and John (who wrote from the island of Patmos). In this vision Ezekiel saw four brilliant, powerful angels in action. However, he was not viewing the land as it was in his day, but as it will be after Christ returns. He makes his final judgment during the time of the great tribulation, separating the sheeplike ones, who will survive, from the goatlike ones, who will be destroyed. Ezekiel 40-48 describes a temple that will exist in the Millennium. John Ruskin, Here in this second chapter, God says to Ezekiel: 'Now, I want you to bring a message to the house of Israel, and very candidly, they're not going to hear you, that is, they won't believe you, they won't accept it, but you're to do it.' NB - One can be forgiven here when trying to equate a third possible fulfilment of prophecy, to involve Israel, with the coming tribulation as born out in the 24th chapter of Matthew, which incidentally is not only referencing the future tribulation but also the 70 AD destruction of Jerusalem and the second temple, but UNLIKE 607 BC and 70 AD, that will not just involve Israel but will involve the whole world. The sacrifices do not forgive sins. 4.

Daniel had been taken into the court of the king of Babylon and had become his prime minister. These goats were obviously deceived - God does not make them bear the devils punishment without providing good opportunity to become undeceived and make a final choice for life. Note, There are those who are called Christians who will in the great day be condemned by the better tempers and better lives of sober heathens. The privileges Jerusalem was honoured with (v. 5): I have set it in the midst of the nations and countries that are round about her, and those famous nations and very considerable. When we'd sing that song, 'Take time to be holy; speak oft with thy Lord' in chapel, Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer used to always stop us and say, 'Change that first line. This is a rhetorical expression of the most grievous judgments, like that character of Hezekiah, that there was none like him, before or after him. The vision is about a future temple. The more Jerusalem had been a praise in the earth the more it is now a reproach and a taunt, v. 15. Chapter 5 contains one of the most sobering prophecies in the Biblethe prophecy of the thirdswhere Ezekiel depicts, using his shorn hair, how Jerusalem was to be punished for its egregious sins (verses 2 and 5). Basic Bible Prophecy: Essential Facts Every Christian Should Know by Ron Rhodes. While these people had already put their harps on a willow tree and sat down to weep, this man Ezekiel was seeing visions of God! This is a key fact that helps us understand that this temple is very different from anything in the past. Then

Jeremiah 9:23-24. This destruction of Judah and Jerusalem is here, I. And you could have kept me from this fate. Through Ezekiels eyes, we see gateways, courts, the altar and numerous temple features, complete with dimensions. In the book of the Colossians Paul wrote that the gospel had already been preached to all the world, and to every creature. II.

Therefore, he resorted to a new method. WebGod chose Ezekiel to be a prophet and asked him to do a number of things as a a profound message to His people. This is a future prophecy. Each one has turned to his own way. This was a sign of the loss of life coming to Israel on a terrifying scale. She had changed God's judgments into wickedness (v. 6), a very high expression of profaneness, that the people had not only broken God's laws, but had so perverted and abused them that they had made them the excuse and colour of their wickedness. Both views are wrong. There are some Christians who believe this passage is symbolic of the Christian church, and others would say it predicts the rebuilding of Solomons temple after the Jewish captivity in Babylon ended. As, when God is dishonoured by the sins of men, he is said to be grieved (Ps 95 10), so when he is honoured by their destruction he is said to be comforted. But at the same time Ezekiel writes: The heavens were opened, and I saw visions of God (Ezek. And the temple of God which is in heaven was opened; and the ark of His covenant appeared in His temple .

The historical fate of Jerusalem types the fate of the descendants of Israel in the last days, since Jerusalem occupied such a central role then, just as the Israelite nations, primarily the descendants of Ephraim and Manasseh, have occupied a pivotal role in the 20th and early 21st centuries. Today Christians take the Lords Supper or communion as a reminder of Jesus death and return to life. Highlights of these prophecies are summarized below. There shall be a complication of judgments, any one of them terrible enough, and desolating; but what then would they be when they came all together and in perfection? WebThe covenant which God concluded with Israel in the day of its youth, i.e., when He led it out of Egypt, He will establish as an everlasting covenant. Ezekiel is the prophet of the glory of the Lord. (McGee, J. Vernon. She had been worse than the neighbouring nations, to whom she should have set a good example: She has changed my judgments, by idolatries and false worship, more than the nations (v. 6), and she has multiplied (that is, multiplied idols and altars, gods and temples, multiplied those things the unity of which was their praise) more than the nations that were round about. I the Lord have spoken it. . Ezekiel 43:7 (NASB). And made the valleys ring. 5 Thus saith the Lord God; This is Jerusalem: I have set it in the midst of the nations and countries that are round about her. Here we have. A very high charge is here drawn up against that city, and proved beyond contradiction sufficient to justify God in seizing its privileges and putting it under military execution. 3 Thou shalt also take thereof a few in number, and bind them in thy skirts. WebEzekiel described a future temple a literal temple that is still to come. He must dispose of the hair so that it might all be destroyed or dispersed, v. 2. In v. 20, the mountains are overturned. After Ezekiel had shut himself in his home and bound himself, God made him dumb (Ezekiel 3:24-26). 15 For this is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says to me: Take 3. The prince cannot be Jesus since He no longer has human flesh but a transformed divine body. This will occur because Christ Himself will be reigning on the earth from Jerusalembecause as the final words of Ezekiel declare, THE LORD IS THERE.. Thus God would have done well for them if they would have done well for themselves.

Dr. WebEzekiel saw the Shekinah glory of the Lord leave Solomons temple, but he also saw the return of the glory of the Lord which was projected into the future and will come to pass during the Kingdom Age, or the Millennium. From history we know that all of the prophecies in Ezekiel 1-35 have been literally fulfilled. I am concerned for you and will look on you with favor; you will be plowed and sown, and I will cause many people to live on youyes, all of Israel. He promised complete destruction upon them, which came at the hands of the Nabateans as foretold in the Book of Obadiah. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Consequently it is not an entirely new covenant, but simply the perfecting of the old one for everlasting duration. Ezekiel described a future temple a literal temple that is still to come. How did old mobile phones amplify signals lower than the noise floor? Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition. Sleeping on the Sweden-Finland ferry; how rowdy does it get? Article URL: https://lifehopeandtruth.com/prophecy/prophets/prophets-of-the-bible/ezekiel-and-his-prophecies/. Why does the provided command as a parameter not run in a loop in my script? To aggravate the punishment, and to make it lie the more heavily.

God's statutes are the terms on which he deals with men; those that refuse his terms cannot expect his favours. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers.

This punishment of Jerusalem is said to be greater than that of Sodom (Lam 4 6), which was more grievous than all that went before it; nay, it is such as "I will not do any more the like, all the circumstances taken in, to any other city, till the like come to be done again to this city, in the final overthrow by the Romans." He had remained with the remnant in the land and then was taken by them down into Egypt. J. Vernon McGee, This is the age of pacifism, but it is not the age of peace. Those will be ruined that will not be reformed.

To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Donations to this ministry aretax-deductible. Others shall fall by the sword round about Jerusalem, when they sally out upon the besiegers; it is a sword which God will bring, v. 17. But, lest they should think that this dispersion would be their escape, God adds, I will draw out a sword after them, so that wherever they go evil shall pursue them. The hair that would not be trimmed and kept neat and clean by the admonitions of the prophets must be all shaved off by utter destruction. Ezekiel sees the high-ranking angels called cherubim, who are present through the prophecy of the next chapter. Malefactors are publicly punished in terroremthat others may take warning.

Jeremiah 25:9, 15-18 (NASB) Copyright 2023, Bible Study Tools. But there seems to be more in it than this. WebEzekielChapter 5. All Rights Reserved. And, lastly, those who escape shall be scattered into all parts of the world, into all the winds (so it is expressed, v. 10, 12), intimating that they should not only be dispersed, but hurried, and tossed, and driven to and fro, as chaff before the wind.

WebThe covenant which God concluded with Israel in the day of its youth, i.e., when He led it out of Egypt, He will establish as an everlasting covenant. Why is the role of the "prince" so muted in Ezekiel 40-48?

His sermon was a warning In the book of the Colossians Paul wrote that the gospel had already been preached to all the world, and to every creature. officials, to make them places of ruins, objects of horror, Chapter 28 ends with a preview of the second exodus of Israel out of slavery, immediately transitioning into settlement in their own promised land in the Millennium. . Chapter 29 begins with a prophecy that is specific to Pharaoh Hophra (the current Pharoah in Ezekiels day) and the fulfillment of this prophecy in Pharaoh Hophras demise is astonishing. Because you failed to mention Him.

Though this prophecy was to have its accomplishment now quickly, in the destruction of Jerusalem by the Chaldeans, yet the executioners not being named here, but the criminal only (this is Jerusalem), we may well suppose that it looks further, to the final destruction of that great city by the Romans when God made a full end of the Jewish nation, and caused his fury to rest upon them. 137:12). Ezekiel 40-48 describes a temple that will exist in the Millennium. For I have no pleasure in the death of one who dies.

In fact non-believers often cite this prophecy as proof that God does not have a perfect record in fulfilling His prophecies. Proud member Israel, however, is not the only nation full of iniquity in these latter days. He promised complete destruction upon them, which came at the hands of the Nabateans as foretold in the Book of Obadiah.